Welcome to yet another Modern Training site, but with less theory and more practical examples.
There are so many opportunities to excel in training these days that a little direction and/or opinion could be helpful. As a retired educator, I finally have the time to share my experience in training and training development.
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This is where you will find tips and techniques to get "out of the box" in training. If you think that training is "stand and deliver", I will try to show you that techniques have changed to meet the demands of current trainees and students. Most of what I will provide is training techniques but also applies to general post-secondary education.
First blog
Vendors are selling stereographic 3D tools and curriculum packages to schools and training organizations. But most schools can't create their own 3D curricula. They have to purchase it from the vendor. It is sad that something a simple as stereo 3D curriculum development is difficult for training developers. It's a reflection on where our educational system has failed to even try to keep up. Go to the movies! Besides killing off a few brain cells, you will see that 3D movies are becoming common.
So who is progressing faster, if at all. The entertainment industry or the educational system?
Even more 3D
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Website launched